The Rohrer`s Base Ball Club drubbed a stubborn Boyers club by a score of 9-2 on a clear, warm Saturday morning. The Rohrer’s boys are playing good base ball with a hearty will and an unyielding determination to make each game a victory, as was seen this Saturday last. The game was umpired by John Boyer of Orwigsburg, who is a fair ump. As this reporter has seen, any umpire can call high and low balls, but it takes a good “ump” to call an in and out ball.
Though they were 0-2 on the season, Boyer`s boys were game to play as was evident by the pitching of that cagey southpaw pitcher, Caleb Sophy who,for three innings, gave our boys some trouble.
Manager Grace, when setting and choosing the ball players for the line up, carefully chooses each player dependent upon the player`s skill and the situation he’s likely to face from the pitcher.
He set the batting order as: 1.The leadoff as M.J. Oswald. For the past several games ,M.J. has been hitting steady. His job is to get on base and use his speed to make something happen. 2. Brent Kaunas, who is a steady, hard hitter and will no doubt help advance the lead off man into a scoring position.3. Drew Grace, one of the best power hitters on the club whose job is to use his strength and skill at the bat and to drive in a run 4. Jake Biever, the clean up is a power hitter who has the best opportunity to hit a homer and drive in some runs. 5. Nate Dixon, the number five hitter is important . He has to be good enough that his mere presence on the lineup forces the pitcher to throw strikes to the cleanup man so he won’t have to hit . The rest pf the batting order goes like this. 6. Dylan Biever, 7. Chase Weiser,.8. Blake Lipko, 9. Easton Weiser. All are good batsmen and fill the six, seven, eight and nine slots and have enough skills at bat to knock in runs The utility players were Dylan Grace, and T.J. Schappell.
On the mound, we started off with our big right hander Jake Biever and behind the plate catcher ,Drew Grace.
Our first at bat looked a little weak to statrt , not what we usually observe, a few late swings at the ball then M.J. Oswald cracked a single to center field for a single. Oh, my, then things went south with two strike outs on three of our strongest hitters. Drew Grace , Brent Kaunas and Jake Biever. It looked like our boys were getting used to this hard throwing Boyer’s southpaw and hadn’t figured out his style.
Boyers came out hitting, with a double and then a score on a triple thus setting the first time Rohrers was behind this season with a score of 1-0, Boyers. Then, a quick steal of home plate by Boyers making the score 2-0
The Boyer`s southpaw was giving our boys trouble up through the second inning. Up first was Nate Dixon the third baseman Nate hits a gapper and was called out at first. Dylan Biever up next cracks a single and gets on base. Chase Weiser goes down swinging. Blake Lipko hits a single. We have two men on . Up next Easton Weiser who strikes out. So it goes with this southpaw.
At the top of the third, Drew Grace replaces Jake Beiver on the mound. Drew had two K’s, a good inning.
Top of the third and back to the batting order. M.J. is called out at first on a grounder. Brent Kaunas is up next. Brent starts the inning with a hard hit double. Drew Grace up next. Drew strikes out while Brent uses his speed to steal third base., Jake Biever strolls into the batter`s box facing two outs. Brent rushes off third base in an attempt to steal home. He slides and it looks like the Boyer`s catcher dropped the ball, but” ump” Boyer calls Brent out at home.
Well ,cranks, it wasn’t until the fourth inning that Rohrers took the sweat off the brow of this reporter. Big Jake Biever knocks the hide of a pitch and gets a triple. Could Rohrers be reading this southpaw pitcher? Up next Nate Dixon who swings hard at the first pitch for strike one. The next pitch comes close and inside and Nate gets a gaper for a double dip. Scoring Jake. Dylan Biever hits a single and scores Nate. Chase Weiser gets a hit and then steals second base on a quick sprint. Dylan Grace up next and gets walked. Looks as though the southpaw is getting a little tired. Up next is Seth Grube who shows how to use the old stick and raked out a triple. Score: 6-2 Rohrers.. Brent Kaunas hits a sacrifice fly and brings in a run home. Score: 7-2 Rohrers.
In the fifth inning ,Drew kept the batters at bay. At the bottom of the fifth, Big Jake Biever cracks out a hard hit for a double. Up next Nate Dixon. with Jake Biever on second. Nate hits a high pop up foul ball on the foul line but is caught for an out. Dylan Biever up, also pops out for the second out. At the bat strolls Chase Weiser. Chase hits a hard hit in the gap, runs as though he has a rocket in his pocket, rounds second, still on the fly, and heads for third where he rounds the corner and heads for home. The ball is on the way but Chase hits home plate safe. Unbelievable! An inside the park home run! Score: 9-2
At the top of the sixth, our catcher, M.J., is taken out holding his left shoulder. Drew strikes out the first batter, catches a hard hit liner for the second out and strikes out the last batter. Game Score: 9-2 Rohrers wins another.
After the ball game , this reporter talked to M.J. Oswald about his shoulder. He stated, “ Back in the fifth the ball came off the bat, and hit me in the left shoulder and my shoulder went pop a little, but it`s feeling a little better now.”
I was able to eavesdrop on Manager Grace’s post game talk to the team.. This is some of what I caught. “Every single game we have got to be ready to play! We have to come here and expect to win! You have to hustle from the second you warm up. You have to warm up! You guys didn’t get ready to play today until the 3rd inning. We can score runs. This is a good team, but believe me, you can be a GREAT team! You have seventeen more games. Now is the time to decide if you come to play. Well said, Manager Grace.
A wounded M.J. Oswald
Chase Weiser Inside the Park Homerun Hitter
To this reporter , Rohrers doesn’t seem to have a weak spot anywhere. It has good pitching, a nice bunch of hitters, about as fast an outfit as there is on the bases and a fine defensive team.”
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